To get charge back data use transaction.list as described in Api documentation with two additional parameters: `type=chargeback` and `no_partner_check=true`.
==== Usage Example ====
require_once "curl_http_client/curl_http_client.php";
$curl = new Curl_HTTP_Client();
//setup payment url and timeout
$payment_url = '';
$timeout = 30;
//generate post data
$post_data = array
'token' => 'some-token',
'password' => '130d04b80a4196857e47b254ebfbb53f',
'command' => 'transaction.list',
'data' => array('type' => 'chargeback', 'no_partner_check' => true),
$response = $curl->send_post_data($payment_url, $post_data, null, $timeout);
if($response === false)
//handle errors
//decode json to get array
$response = json_decode($response, true);
Excepted output after running this script(with addition of limit=1 for the sake of clarity) should be:
array (
'code' => 700,
'status' => 'Action completed succesfully',
'command' => 'transaction.list',
'result' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'tran_id' => '672',
'ptnr_id' => '1',
'ppac_id' => '74',
'order_id' => '759',
'ccdt_id' => '162',
'transaction_type' => 'c',
'amount' => '39.99',
'currency' => 'USD',
'description' => '[CB-M] order #759 - uid #389 - $39.99 billed every 3 months (90 days)',
'status' => 'successful',
'refunded_tran_id' => '666',
'origin' => 'system',
'ts' => '1426003862',
'status_code' => '1',
'payment_code' => '700',
'pp_id' => '6',
'tracking_tag' => '14',
'hash' => '14259990633422239901ad24358d8b6e',
'user_id' => '389',
'order_type' => 'basic',
'first_name' => 'cary',
'last_name' => 'acehardware',
'street' => '',
'city' => '',
'state' => '',
'zipcode' => '12345',
'country' => 'US',
'site_id' => '14',
'refunded' => 0,
'refunded_amount' => 0,
'type' => 'chargeback',
'name' => 'Rocket Gate - Online Connections',
'is_active' => '1',
'ccnum' => '555555xxxxxx4444',
'ccname' => 'cary acehardware',
'ccxpdate' => '2015-06-01',
'cctype' => 'mc',
'ccaddress' => '',
'cczip' => '12345',
'ccstatus' => 'active',
'cccountry' => 'US',
'processor' => 'RG',
'processor_name' => 'RocketGate',
'date' => '1426003862',
'details' =>
array (
'status_message' => 'Action completed succesfully',
'pay_status' => 'APPROVED',
'status_severity' => 4,
'items' =>
array (
0 => '210812',
'item_id' => '210812',
'sub_id' => '461',
'tracking_user' => '3519609',
'email' => '',
'card_brand' => '',
'card_type' => '',
'card_category' => '',
'bank_name' => '',
'bank_country_code' => '',
'bank_site' => '',
'bank_phone' => '',
'request' =>
array (
'cmd' => 'transaction.list',
'data' =>
array (
'type' => 'chargeback',
'no_partner_check' => 'true',
'limit' => '1',
'token' => 'some-token',
'pass' => '130d04b80a4196857e47b254ebfbb53f',
'ts' => 1426259842,
'origin_ip' => false,
'errors' => NULL,
which is the same format as any other transaction.list call. All other input options, described in Api documentation, apply as well.
Omitting `no_partner_check` option, or passing it with value false, would return only charge back data for current partner.