Rocket Gate reason codes can be fetched via api call [[ public/payment/partners/apidocs/api.rocketgatereasoncodes/ ]]
An output of this api command, on April 3rd 2019 (formatted to md):
| Reason code | Message | Description
| 0 | Success | Success
| 100 | No matching transaction | A transaction referenced in a void, credit, or ticket operation cannot be found. This can occur if the TRANSACT_ID in the request is invalid or if the amount or card number do not match the original transaction.
| 101 | Cannot Void | A void operation cannot be performed because the original transaction has already been voided, credited, or settled.
| 102 | Cannot Credit | A credit operation cannot be performed because the original transaction has already been voided, credited, or has not been settled.
| 103 | Cannot Ticket | A ticket operation cannot be performed because the original auth-only transaction has been voided or ticketed.
| 104 | Declined | The bank has declined the transaction.
| 105 | Declined Over Limit | The bank has declined the transaction because the account is over limit.
| 106 | Declined CVV2 | The bank has declined the transaction because of a CVV2 mismatch.
| 107 | Declined Expired Card | The bank has declined the transaction because the card is expired.
| 108 | Declined - Call | The bank has declined the transaction and has requested that the merchant call.
| 109 | Declined - Pickup Card | The bank has declined the transaction and has requested that the merchant pickup the card.
| 110 | Declined - Excessive Use | The bank has declined the transaction due to excessive use of the card.
| 111 | Declined - Invalid card | The bank has indicated that the account is invalid.
| 112 | Declined - Invalid Expiration | The bank has indicated that the account is expired.
| 113 | Declined - Bank Unavailable | The issuing bank is temporarily unavailable. May be tried again later.
| 117 | Declined - AVS | The transaction was declined due to an address verification mismatch.
| 123 | Declined - User Declined | The Rebill transaction was declined because the user asked their bank to stop the rebill. It is suggested that merchants cancel subscriptions when they are managing their own rebilling.
| 150 | Declined - AVS | The transaction was declined due to an address verification mismatch.
| 151 | Declined - CVV2 | The bank has declined the transaction because of a CVV2 mismatch.
| 152 | Declined - Invalid Ticket Amount | A ticket request must be for less than or equal to the amount of the AUTH-ONLY.
| 154 | Integration Error | The transaction was rejected because it didn't pass validation of supplied parameters
| 156 | Unsupported CardType | Transaction was declined because the bank returned an Unsupported CardType error.
| 157 | Declined – Processor Risk | Transaction was declined because the bank finds risky.
| 161 | Previous Hard Decline | Transaction was declined because of previous hard declines on the same card #
| 162 | Merch Account Limit | Transaction was declined by acquiring bank for reaching account limit.
| 163 | Declined CAVV AutoVoided | Declined for 3DSecure Authentication
| 200 | Declined - Scrub | Transaction was declined due to fraud scrubbing.
| 201 | Declined - Blocked | Transaction was declined due to the customer's account being blocked.
| 202 | Declined - 3-DS | Transaction was declined because 3-D Secure authentication is required
| 208 | Duplicate Membership - ID | Transaction was declined because customer has a duplicate membership matching this customer id
| 209 | Duplicate Membership - Card | Transaction was declined because customer has a duplicate membership matching this card #
| 210 | Duplicate Membership - Email | Transaction was declined because customer has a duplicate membership matching this email
| 211 | Declined- Exceeded Max $s | Transaction was declined because the amount exceeded the Max configured purchase amount
| 212 | Declined - Duplicate | Transaction was declined because the card # and $ amount matched another transaction in the configured time amount.
| 213 | Declined Velocity Customer | Transaction was declined because customer has breached the velocity limits matched by Customer ID
| 214 | Declined Velocity Card # | Transaction was declined because customer has breached the velocity limits matched by card #
| 215 | Declined Velocity Email | Transaction was declined because customer has breached the velocity limits matched by Email
| 216 | Iovation Decline | Transaction was declined because Iovation declined due to risk match
| 217 | Declined Velocity Email | Transaction was declined because customer has breached the velocity limits matched by Iovation Device
| 218 | Duplicate Membership-Device | Transaction was declined because customer has a duplicate membership matching this Iovation Device
| 219 | 1Click Source | Transaction was declined by CheckAcctCompromised scrub for potential account compromise as source IP or device was different from previous transactions
| 220 | Too Many Cards | Transaction was declined by NewCardScrubLimit scrub for a customer adding too many new cards in a given period.
| 221 | Affiliate Blocked | Transaction was declined due to the affiliate id black listing
| 222 | Trial Abuse | Transaction was declined by LimitTrials scrub for a user signing up repeatedly for the same trial
| 223 | 3DSecure Bypass | 3DS lookup generated a bypass which indicates you should re-submit as non-3ds
| 224 | New Card w/No Device | Transaction was declined by NewCardRequiresDevice scrub for a new cards with a missing Iovation device ID
| 300 | DNS Failure | A DNS failure has prevented the merchant application from resolving RocketGate host names.
| 301 | Unable to Connect | The merchant application is unable to connect to an appropriate RocketGate host.
| 302 | Transmit Error | An error occurred while transmitting data to the RocketGate servers.
| 303 | Read Timeout | A timeout occurred while waiting for a transaction response from the RocketGate servers.
| 304 | Read Error | An error occurred while reading the response from the RocketGate servers.
| 305 | Application Unavailable | The transaction failed because applications within the RocketGate servers are unavailable or shutdown.
| 306 | Application Unavailable | The transaction failed because applications within the RocketGate servers are unavailable or shutdown.
| 307 | Application Unavailable | The transaction failed because applications within the RocketGate servers are unavailable or shutdown.
| 308 | Application Unavailable | The transaction failed because applications within the RocketGate servers are unavailable or shutdown.
| 309 | Application Unavailable | The transaction failed because applications within the RocketGate servers are unavailable or shutdown.
| 310 | Application Unavailable | The transaction failed because applications within the RocketGate servers are unavailable or shutdown.
| 311 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 312 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 313 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 314 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 315 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 316 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 321 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 323 | Bank Communications Error | RocketGate was unable to complete the transaction with the processing institution.
| 325 | 3D Secure Error | Internal error or setup issue with 3D Secure MPI communication.
| 403 | Invalid Card Number | Card number is missing from request, does not pass MOD10 check, or contains an invalid bin.
| 404 | Invalid Expiration | Expiration date is missing from request, or the month/year are invalid. Months must be 1 through 12. Years must be 7 through 99 or 2007 through 2099.
| 405 | Invalid Amount | Transaction amount is missing from request or is less than or equal to 0.
| 406 | Invalid Merchant ID | Merchant ID is missing from request or is not a valid merchant ID.
| 407 | Invalid Merchant Account | Merchant account is missing from request or is not a valid account number for the specified merchant.
| 408 | Incompatible Card Type | The merchant account specified in the request is not setup to accept the card type included in the request.
| 409 | No Suitable Account | The optional account load balancing algorithm cannot find an available merchant account that accepts the card type specified in the transaction.
| 410 | Invalid Transact ID | The TRANSACT_ID is missing from the transaction or is not a valid transaction ID.
| 411 | Invalid Access Code | The merchant access code specified in the request does not match the merchant's access code.
| 412 | Invalid Customer Data Length | Data provided for the customer's billing address or IP address exceeds the maximum allowable field length.
| 413 | Invalid External Data Length | Data provided for the merchant's customer ID, invoice ID, UDF01, or UDF02 exceeds the maximum allowable field length.
| 414 | Invalid Customer ID | Invalid or missing customer ID. Customer ID is required when modifying or canceling a subscription or when submitting transactions using the CARD_HASH parameter.
| 418 | Invalid Currency | The currency code specified in the transaction request is invalid.
| 419 | Incompatible Currency | The currency code specified in the transaction request is not accepted by the merchant account specified in the request.
| 420 | Invalid Rebill Arguments | Invalid data in one of the rebill parameters, or an invalid combination of the rebill parameters
| 436 | Incompatible Descriptors | The account you are processing to doesn't allow dynamic descriptors
| 438 | Invalid Site ID | The MERCHANT_SITE_ID value is not a valid integer.
| 441 | Invoice ID Not Found | The MERCHANT_INVOICE_ID was not found.
| 443 | Missing Customer ID | The MERCHANT_CUSTOMER_ID field is required for this operation
| 444 | Missing Name | The customer name is required for this operation. Please provide.
| 445 | Missing Address | The address fields are required for this operation. Please provide
| 446 | Missing CVV | The CVV2 field is required for this operation. Please provide
| 448 | No Active Membership | The membership record was found but not active. For example, you'd hit this error when submitting a PerformRebillCancel() request and the account is already canceled.
| 449 | Invalid CVV | CVV2_CHECK has been requested but the CVV was > 4 chars
| 451 | Invalid Clone Data | Setting CLONE_CUSTOMER_RECORD, but omitting CLONE_TO_CUSTOMER_ID or the opposite. Value in MERCHANT_CUSTOMER_ID does not reference a valid customer record. Transaction attempted is not a purchase or auth-only. MERCHANT_CUSTOMER_ID and CLONE_TO_CUSTOMER_ID are the same value
| 452 | Redundant Suspend/Resume | PerformRebillUpdate() request attempted to suspend a subscription that is already suspended or to resume a subscription that is already active
| 453 | Invalid PayInfo Transact ID | The value provided for the PAYINFO_TRANSACT_ID is invalid.
| 454 | Invalid Capture Days | An invalid value was set in the CAPTURE_DAYS parameter