=Video & Photo API=
API command examples for Video API (it's equal to Photos API, only difference is that photos don't have status "waiting for encoder", only other two "approved" and "pending", in Photos we have image_id instead video_id and in function)
After [[/w/projects/dating/oauth|standard OAuth token procedure]]
==Adding new video==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/add-video', array('user_id' => 123, 'url' => 'http://example.com/path/to/some/video/file.ext'));
Supported extension: mp4, flv, ogv, webm, avi, mpeg, mp4, ...
Optional query string parameters:
- gallery_id (default gallery_id = 1)
- caption (default caption = "")
Photos only:
- set_avatar (default 0) - If this is 1 avatar will be generated from uploaded image
Return Values
Example of success (returning new video_id):
"success" : 1,
"data" :
"video_id": 4
Example of fail (returning some error):
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
0 : "URL is required"
==Updating video caption==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/update-video', array('user_id' => 123, 'video_id' => 456, 'caption' => 'New Caption'));
Optional query string parameter:
- gallery_id (default gallery_id = 1)
Example of success:
"success" : 1,
Example of fail (returning some error):
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
0 : "video_id is required"
==Deleting video==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/delete-video', array('user_id' => 123, 'video_id' => 456));
Optional query string parameter:
- gallery_id (default gallery_id = 1)
Example of success
"success": 1
Example of fail (returning some error):
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
"0": "video_id is required"
==Get video info==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/get-video', 'user_id' => 123, 'video_id' => 456));
Optional query string parameters:
- gallery_id (by default gallery_id = 1)
Example of success (returning video info):
"success" : 1,
"data" :
"user_id": "6",
"gallery_id": "1",
"video_id": "30",
"comment": "",
"version": "0",
"adult": "0",
"status": "waiting for encoder",
"converted": "0"
Example of fail (returning some error):
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
"0": "Video not exist"
==Adding new video gallery==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/add-gallery', array('user_id' => 123, 'title' => 'Gallery Title'));
Optional query string parameters:
- description (default description is "")
- access (by default is 0)
Example of success (returning new gallery_id):
"success" : 1,
"data" :
"gallery_id": 103
Example of fail:
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
"0": "title is required"
==Update gallery==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/update-gallery', array('user_id' => 123, 'gallery_id' => 456));
+ title, description, access (depending on what you want to update)
Example of success:
"success: 1
Example of fail:
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
"0": "gallery_id is required"
==Deleting gallery==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/delete-gallery', array('user_id' => 123, 'gallery_id' => 456));
Example of success:
"success: 1
Example of fail:
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
"0": "gallery_id is required"
==Get Gallery Info==
$result = $DVIP->get('/videos/get-gallery', array('user_id' => 123, 'gallery_id' => 456));
Example of success:
"success" : 1,
"data" :
"user_id": "6",
"gallery_id": "456",
"access": "0",
"title": "Awesome",
"description": ""
Example of fail:
"success" : 0,
"errors" :
"0": "gallery_id is required"