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Welcome Mobile Setup
Updated 1,731 Days AgoPublic

This is a quick text about setup for mobile app welcome to site feature. Mobile app needs more flexibility, so this setup offers more customization options, like configuring steps, order of steps, etc.


Step is all the info displayed on one popup/wizard screen. Steps consist of various config parameters, x_steps and questions. X_steps represent all the translatable info in one step, questions define input(answer field) as well as content. List is ordered group of steps, it relates to websites, so one list can be active on some websites, some other on some other websites.


Lists are ordered groups of steps and they define in which order will steps be displayed in popup/wizard. Configuration module is available at The usual actions, "Browse" - lists all existing lists, "Add New" - creates new list. List is defined by it's name - unique mnemonic to help out in setup. After creating new list, we can assign steps and websites to it.

Actions on "Steps" tab serve to display all steps that are currently part of this list("View Steps"), add step to this list("Add Step"), and go to steps configuration page("Manage Steps").
Steps are added by picking "position" and picking step by name(one step can't be picked more than once in one list, and single position can only be present once inside one list).
"Websites" tab serves to assign list(s) to website(s). One list can be designated as default, which means that any website that doesn't have explicitly assigned list will have default one assigned.
Lists should be configured for every system separately, due to their relation to websites.


Steps contain all the info to be displayed on one popup/wizard screen.
Step consists of next params:

  • name - mnemonic to ease up configuration process, unique
  • x_step - structure holding all translatable info, central, more info bellow
  • photo - if step should contain image, here's where it's to be placed. can be url or shortcut string.
  • action - shortcut string to let mobile app know what should happen on step submit
  • action_param - shortcut string to send additional info with action
  • question_type - we have 4 types of questions:
    • none - empty question(no input)
    • custom - custom defined input
    • profile info - single profile info question
    • all profile info - all profile info questions setup on desktop(steps will multiply in such fashion that only first step will use title/description)
  • question - id of used question, where aplicable
  • required - whether submitting input is required or not

Steps are also created on every system separately here

X Steps

X Steps are translatable step data.
X Step has next parameters:

  • name - mnemonic, proposed to start wit x_, but doesn't need to
  • title - translated text
  • description - translated text
  • note - translated text
  • button_yes - translated text, submit/continue button
  • button_no - translated text, skip button

X Steps are central and can be used by different steps on different systems, configuration here


Questions define type, length and content of input field. We have 4 types of questions.

  • None - no input - for steps that don;t need to be submitted, like photo upload
  • Custom - custom questions, made for steps that don't use profile info questions. These questions need explicit method to save answers on these questions(due to the nature of data, some require RG calls, some require cache invalidation, etc.), setup
  • Profile Info - single profile info question - can be any profile info question that applies to user, setup
  • All profile Info - all profile info questions that are configured for desktop website. This choice will create additional steps - as many as there are configure profile info questions, with only first step displaying title/description text(this is shortcut to not recreate everything again), setup

Note that profile questions have there own displaying rules, and if displaying rules say that profile question is not to be displayed to user(but step is set to display in popup/wizard), whole step will be skipped.

Last Author
Last Edited
May 27 2020, 12:10

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asimic moved this document from Restricted Phriction Wiki Document.May 27 2020, 12:10