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Payment Status Codes
Updated 520 Days AgoPublic

Payment Status Codes are grouped in similar way as http status codes so:

  • 6xx are reserved for various Payment Processor errors
  • 7xx for OK statuses
  • 8xx for client (partner request) errors
  • 9xx internal PV2 errors

Values for Payment Status Codes can be fetched with api.statuscodes api command.
Please, consider caching output of api.statuscodes result, as it changes rarely.
An example output of api.statuscodes command (as of today, April 3rd, 2019) :

600Payment Processor Error. Please try again later or if problem persists contact customer support
601Credit Card number is not valid
602Credit Card CVV2 is not valid
603Credit Card Expire Date is not valid
604Too many transaction attempt. Please try again later.
620PayPal error
605Got unexpected response from processor. Please try again or if problem persists contact customer support.
606Invalid data sent to processor
607The zip\/postal code you provided does not match your billing information.
608Transaction declined due to insufficient funds. Please try another card.
609Your card was declined by the issuing financial institution.
610Transaction declined.
611Your credit card was blocked by the issuing financial institution. Please try another card.
612Invalid credit card data. Please check your card number, expire date and CVV2 and try again.
613Not authorized. Please check and correct your credentials.
614Original transaction has already been voided, credited, or settled
615Transaction was declined because 3-D Secure authentication is required
616Your credit card cannot be processed by our system. Please try another card.
617Your Credit card is temporary blocked by our system. Please try again later or use another card
6183DS transaction: rejected authorization by user
619Please wait while your previous transaction attempt is processed
621The Rebill transaction was declined because the user asked their bank to stop the rebill
622Unsupported CardType - Transaction was declined because the bank returned an Unsupported CardType error
623Transaction rejected. Subscription already exists for given data
624Given receipt belongs to rebill transaction, not signup
625Rebill transaction denied
631Transaction was declined because 3-D Secure 2.0 fingerprint is required
650Verve Cards Currently Not Supported. Please Try A Visa or Mastercard.
651MultiCaixa Cards Currently Not Supported. Please Try A Visa or Mastercard.
652Card Declined. Please Try A Different Card.
653Card Declined. Please Try A Different Card.
654Card Declined. Please Try A Different Card.
655Card Declined. Please Try A Different Card.
656American Express Cards Currently Not Supported. Please Try A Visa or Mastercard.
657RUPay Cards Currently Not Supported. Please Try A Visa or Mastercard.
670Your credit card is blocked. Please try another card.
671Transaction declined due to insufficient funds. Please try purchasing a cheaper membership option.
672Transaction declined and any recurring subs will be suspended
674Credit card is temporarily blocked due to 3 errors in last hour
680Transaction declined because of BinOptimizer ratio below 1%
685Transaction declined because of last successful transaction made few minutes ago by the same user
673Credit card is temporarily blocked due error in last few minutes
700Action completed successfully
800Invalid data from Client
801Missing items in request
802Some required data are missing
803Invalid Int param sent
804Invalid Float param sent
805Invalid String param sent
806Invalid Hash Format
807Invalid Currency
808Invalid email data sent
809Invalid URL data sent
810Invalid Name sent
811Invalid CVV2 data sent
812Invalid Credit Card data sent
813Invalid Credit Card Exp. Date sent
814Credit Card is expired
815Invalid Unit param sent
816Invalid User data params sent
817Invalid Transaction data params sent
818Can't find matching hash
819Can't find matching payment processor account
820Can't find matching transaction
840Invalid timing parameter provided
841Transaction belongs to other partner
842Subscription belongs to other partner
821Empty or invalid CC data
822Invalid refund amount
823Submitted credit card is already active on our system
843Invalid date
844Invalid migrate user case
824Invalid bank account info
825Successful order already exists for this hash
826Failed order already exists for this hash
827Order is currently being processed in another request
828Incorrect range for number
860API request not authorized. Please check and correct your credentials
861API request is comming from unsecured connection
862API request is empty
863API request is not well formatted
864API request is missing mandatory keys
865API command was not found
866API command not well formatted
867API request sent from unauthorized IP address
868API method is not callable
869API command execution failed
870General database error occurred
871Provided option value is not valid
872Not existing payment processor
900Internal Payment Error
901Can't get or create user
902Can't get payment ID
903Error storing item to DB
904Error storing order to DB
905Error storing transaction to DB
906Error getting ppac_id from DB
907Error getting amount for order from DB
908Error saving cc data
909Can't find matching order
910Can't update order status
911The subscription has already been deactivated
912Unknown status code
913The subscription is already active
999Undefined status
940Error loading partner
941PayPal credentials not found
942Cannot get transactiopn id by paypal token
943Error storing transactiondetails to DB
944Error storing subscription to DB
945Error loading subscription from DB
946Cannot find matching PayPal recurring_profile_id
947Error loading transaction from DB
990The server is currently down for maintenance work. Please try again in a few minutes.
Last Author
Last Edited
Sep 20 2023, 09:24

Event Timeline

boris moved this document from Unknown Object (Phriction Wiki Document).Mar 11 2015, 13:16
boris changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "All Users".
boris changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".
boris shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S6 Everyone space.Aug 8 2018, 08:05
aplawecki edited the content of this document. (Show Details)