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Quick Start Guide
Updated 2,583 Days AgoPublic

PV2 is typical client/server architecture which means that all communication with application is done via API calls. There are many API commands available and all of them are documented under API Documentation section. Here we will provide you with most commonly used API commands in order to create and manage transactions.

Request format and structure

Request to API server must be sent in urlencoded format, otherwise it will be considered invalid.
Every response form API server will be returned as JSON encoded string.

Every request must have following fields, all lowercase:

Param NameTypeDescription
commandstringThe command that needs to be executed
passwordstringClient's password
tokenstringClient's token
dataarrayDepending of command may be optional field. Associative array of options supported by request command

Structure of returned object:

codeintStatus code of executed API command
statusstringHuman readable status message
commandstringExecuted command name
resultmixedResult returned by executed command. May be boolean false on error or [string|array] on success
requestobjectComplete received request
errorsarrayNull if no errors or associative array with error code/string
tsintTimestamp of request process start
origin_ipstringIP address from where the request was initiated
debugstringOnly useful on development environment

Usage Example

Here we will present you basic usage example with calling api.version method which basically returns api version and is ideal for testing purposes.

We will be using free opensource curl_http_client class which is available online at github

$curl = new \Dinke\CurlHttpClient;

//setup payment url and timeout
$payment_url = '';
$timeout 	= 30;

$curl->setCredentials('some-token', 'some-pass');

//generate post data
$post_data = array
	'cmd'	=> 'api.version',

$response = $curl->sendPostData($payment_url, $post_data, null, $timeout);
if($response === false)
	//handle errors

//decode json to get array
$response = json_decode($response, true);


Excepted output after running this script should be:

array (size=1)
  'result' => 
    array (size=8)
      'code' => int 700
      'status' => string 'Action completed succesfully' (length=28)
      'command' => string 'api.version' (length=11)
      'result' => string '0.4' (length=3)
      'request' => 
        array (size=3)
          'cmd' => string 'api.version' (length=11)
          'token' => string 'some-token' (length=26)
          'pass' => string 'some-pass' (length=32)
      'ts' => int 1429542256
      'origin_ip' => string '' (length=13)
      'errors' => null

Usage Example using plain Curl

// Set URL, credentials, API command
$username = 'dating-admin-a8@development';
$password = 'd47161d75854f16cbaac3e6f8aa97a46';
$command = 'transaction.list';
$url = "$command";

// Example array that we'll POST to URL with additional API command options
$post_data = ['level' => 0, 'by_company' => 1, 'currency' => 'EUR', 'limit' => 2];

// initialize curl handle
$curl = curl_init();

//ignore errors no matter of http codes 400
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, false);

// allow redirects
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);

// use gzip if possible
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_ENCODING, 'gzip, deflate');

// do not veryfy SSL
// this is important for windows, as well for being able to access
// pages with non valid cert
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);

// Needed in order to be able to get request headers
curl_setopt($curl, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, true);

// Set credentials
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_USERPWD, "{$username}:{$password}");

// Set url to post to
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

// Return into a variable rather than displaying it
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);

// Set method to POST
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true);

// Set POST string
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query(["data" => $post_data]));

// Execute Curl request and save the results in $result variable
$result = curl_exec($curl);

Making transactions

Every transaction is two step process made by calling trannsaction.init and transaction.finish commands respectively. As a result of this operation an order will be created on payment side and in case of successful transaction depending of passed parameters it will produce one or more recurring subscriptions.


Init call is made by calling transaction.init command. No matter which payment processor is used, init call will result with these operations:

  • PV2 User lookup based on passed tracking_user params. If such user doesn't exist for used partner - it will be created.
  • Is Transaction allowed? (with current setup up to 6 failed transactions within last hour is allowed, every additional won't be allowed )
  • Prepare Payment Processor data for partner and passed pp_type
  • Generate hash and store order data

(Note: Every step is these operation is logged in PV2 internal db)

Request params
Param NameTypeRequiredDescription
tracking_orderint (unsigned)NoOptional param which can be used to track orders on partners side
tracking_userint (unsigned)YesMandatory param which should be used to track users on partner_side (i.e. user_id)
tracking_tagint (unsigned)YesMandatory param which should be used to connect partiucular site (ie. site_id)
first_nameStringYesFirst Name
last_nameStringYesFirst Name
emailString (valid email format)YesEmail
ipStringYesIP Address
pp_type(RG|NB|PO|PP...)YesPayment Processor that should be used for transaction
itemsArrayYesArray with payment data (see bellow for detailed explanation)
return_urlURLNoReturn URL (used only for some PP's like PayPal)
cancel_urlURLNoCancel URL (used only for some PP's like PayPal)
items array
Param nameTypeRequiredDescription
amountfloat (unsigned)yesCharge amount
descriptionstringyestransaction description
max_rebill_countintyes-1 for unlimited; 0 for no rebills (single charge)
rebill_unitstring (day|week|month|year)Only if max_rebill_count != 0What should be recurring base unit (used in combination with rebill_period param)
rebill_periodint (unsigned)Only if max_rebill_count != 0Used in combination with rebill_period to form recurring period
trial_periodint (unsigned)NoSimilar as rebill period but for trials only
trial_amountfloat (unsigned)Only if trial_period is passed and > 0Trial amount (can be zero for free trial)
trial_unitstring (day|week|month|year)Only if trial_period is passed and > 0What should be trial base unit (used in combination with trial_period param)
tracking_itemint (unsigned)NoOptional param used to associate this item with certain item on partner side


  • You can send more than one items at once, see examples bellow
  • In case of multiply items they are grouped together for initial transaction attempt. For example if Item1 amount is $24.95 USD and item2 $10USD, first transaction will be $34.95 while additional (rebill transactions) will be handled separately according to item's rebill params.

Array with these two fields:

  • hash (32 chars hash which should be passed in finish call)
  • redirect (redirect URL - used with some PP's like PayPal etc.)
Init request examples
$curl = new \Dinke\CurlHttpClient;

//setup payment url and timeout
$payment_url = '';
$timeout 	= 30;

$curl->setCredentials('some-token', 'some-pass');

$items[] = array(
'amount'		=> 24.99,
'trial_amount'		=> 0.99,
'trial_unit'		=> 'day',
'trial_period'		=> 5,
'rebill_unit'		=> 'month',
'rebill_period'		=> 1,
'max_rebill_count'	=> -1,
'description'		=> '5 days 0.99 trial, rebills monthly with 24.99 and unlimited rebills',
'tracking_item'		=> 1

/* You can also send more than one items at once
$items[] = array(
		'amount'			=> 49.99,
		'rebill_unit'		=> 'month',
		'rebill_period'		=> 3,
		'max_rebill_count'	=> -1,
		'description'		=> '49.99 rebills every 3 months',
		'tracking_item'		=> 2

$data = array(
		'tracking_order'	=> '0',
		'tracking_user'		=> '1',
		'tracking_tag'		=> '14',
		'first_name'		=> 'Dragan',
		'last_name'		=> 'Dinic',
		'zipcode'		=> '34000',
		'country'		=> 'US',
		'email'			=> '',
		'ip'			=> '',
		'host'			=> '',
		'currency'		=> 'USD',
		'pp_type'		=> 'RG',
		'items'			=> $items,

$post_data = array
	'cmd'	=> 'transaction.init',
	'data'		=> $data

$response = $curl->sendPostData($payment_url, $post_data, null, $timeout);
if($response === false)
	//handle errors

//decode json to get array
$response = json_decode($response, true);


When code above is run in case of successful operation it will generate following result:

array (size=1)
  'result' => 
    array (size=8)
      'code' => int 700
      'status' => string 'Action completed succesfully' (length=28)
      'command' => string 'transaction.init' (length=16)
      'result' => 
        array (size=2)
          'hash' => string '1429542388626afa413c7f8651385ee2' (length=32)
          'redirect' => null
      'request' => 
        array (size=4)
          'cmd' => string 'transaction.init' (length=16)
          'data' => 
            array (size=13)
              'tracking_order' => string '0' (length=1)
              'tracking_user' => string '1' (length=1)
              'tracking_tag' => string '14' (length=2)
              'first_name' => string 'Dragan' (length=6)
              'last_name' => string 'Dinic' (length=5)
              'zipcode' => string '34000' (length=5)
              'country' => string 'US' (length=2)
              'email' => string '' (length=16)
              'ip' => string '' (length=9)
              'host' => string '' (length=18)
              'currency' => string 'USD' (length=3)
              'pp_type' => string 'RG' (length=2)
              'items' => 
                array (size=1)
                  0 => 
                    array (size=9)
                      'amount' => string '24.99' (length=5)
                      'trial_amount' => string '0.99' (length=4)
                      'trial_unit' => string 'day' (length=3)
                      'trial_period' => string '5' (length=1)
                      'rebill_unit' => string 'month' (length=5)
                      'rebill_period' => string '1' (length=1)
                      'max_rebill_count' => string '-1' (length=2)
                      'description' => string '5 days 0.99 trial, rebills monthly with 24.99 and unlimited rebills' (length=67)
                      'tracking_item' => string '1' (length=1)
          'token' => string 'some-token' (length=26)
          'pass' => string 'some-pass' (length=32)
      'ts' => int 1429542388
      'origin_ip' => string '' (length=13)
      'errors' => null

Finish call should be run immediately after successful init along with hash generated after init call. It will try to run transaction using passed Payment Processor (pp_type param) and in case of success (depending of passed rebill params) it will also create recurring subscription which will be regularly rebilled according to rebill plan.

Please note that in case of CC based pp_type (NB|RG ...), passed Credit Card data will be validated before sending request to payment processor and in case of invalid data no pp transaction request will be made.
Also some Payment Processors like NetBilling doesn't provide testing sandbox so for such PP's testing credit cards should be used as defined in NB admin.

Request params
Param NameTypeRequiredDescription
hashstringyesHash generated during init request
card_numberCC NUMyes *Credit Card Number
card_expireMMYYyesCredit Card Expire date
card_cvv2CVV2yesCredit Card CVV2 code
transaction_idintnoUsed instead of card_number for paying with saved cc data (pci rebill) **

* Not mandatory if transaction_id param is used
** transaction_id should be obtained with cards.list

Finish request examples
$curl = new \Dinke\CurlHttpClient;

//setup payment url and timeout
$payment_url = '';
$timeout 	= 30;

$curl->setCredentials('some-token', 'some-pass');

$data = array(
	'pp_type' => 'RG',
	'hash' => '1429542388626afa413c7f8651385ee2',
	'card_number' => '4128003196067113',
	'card_expire' => '1214',
	'card_cvv2' => '012',

$post_data = array(
	'cmd'	=> 'transaction.finish',
	'data'		=> $data

$response = $curl->sendPostData($payment_url, $post_data, null, $timeout);
if($response === false)
	//handle errors

//decode json to get array
$response = json_decode($response, true);


And in case of successful transaction on RocketGate this will be returned result:

array (size=9)
  'code' => int 700
  'status' => string 'Action completed succesfully' (length=28)
  'command' => string 'transaction.finish' (length=18)
  'result' => 
    array (size=9)
      'success' => boolean true
      'error_msg' => string '' (length=0)
      'rg_guid_no' => string '10001419A79AB7D' (length=15)
      'remote_tran_id' => string '10001419A79AB7D' (length=15)
      'payment_tran_id' => int 3
      'rg_merchant_id' => string '1358984622' (length=10)
      'rg_customer_id' => string 'M1_1' (length=4)
      'rg_cc_hash' => string '8DoHBzr/OzoLDD3ZjNcJpAYKkhX5E240yaPc7l2d2/Y=' (length=44)
      'items_data' => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => 
            array (size=2)
              'tracking_item' => string '1' (length=1)
              'item_id' => string '3' (length=1)
  'request' => 
    array (size=4)
      'token' => string 'some-token' (length=30)
      'password' => string '130d04b8123456857e47b254ebfbb53f (length=32)
      'command' => string 'transaction.finish' (length=18)
      'data' => 
        array (size=5)
          'pp_type' => string 'RG' (length=2)
          'hash' => string 'ccde506c6bc01edfee2e8ce2dcd674e2' (length=32)
          'card_number' => string '412800xxxxxx7113' (length=16)
          'card_expire' => string '1213' (length=4)
          'card_cvv2' => string 'xxx' (length=3)
  'ts' => int 1381276166
  'origin_ip' => boolean false
  'debug' => null
  'errors' => null

The result of this successful request will be successful order created on PV2 which will also (depending of max_rebill_count parameter) create subscription(s) and rebills according to passed rebills parameters.

Last Author
Last Edited
Jan 25 2018, 16:45

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boris moved this document from Unknown Object (Phriction Wiki Document).Mar 11 2015, 13:15
boris changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "All Users".
boris changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".
dinke edited the content of this document. (Show Details)
boris shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S6 Everyone space.Aug 8 2018, 08:04