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Updated 1,137 Days AgoPublic



Return List of transactions

Input Parameters
tran_idmixed (int|array)noShow results for specified transaction ID(s)
sub_idmixed (int|array)noShow results for specified subscription ID(s)
item_idmixed (int|array)noShow results for specified item ID(s)
page(int)noShow only results on specified page
limit(int)noRestrict results per page
on_date(string)noShow results occured on specified date
from_date(string)noShow results from specified date
to_date(string)noShow results until specidied date
from_id(int) Show results with ID(s)nohigher than specified
to_id(int) Show results with ID(s)nolower than specified
nocache(bool)noChoose whether results should be cached or not
tracking_tagmixed (int|array)noShow results with specified client side tracking tag(s)
currencymixed (string|array)noShow results with specified currency
tracking_usermixed (int|array)noShow results with specified client side user ID(s)
order_idmixed (int|array)noShow results with specified order ID(s)
countrymixed (string|array)noShow results having specified countries
ipmixed (string|array)noShow only results having specified IP address(es)
name(string*)noShow only results having specified name(first and last) used to create order(depending on processor can be credit card name, username, etc.)
ccnum(string*)noShow only results having specified credit card number part
ccname(string*)noShow only results having specified credit card name
rebill_count(int)noShow results having specified nubmer of rebill count(s)
statusmixed (string|array)noShow results with specified order status
email(string*)noShow results having specified user email
hour(int)noShow results having timestamp whithin specified hour
by_hour(bool)noWhether to group results by hour or not
by_site(bool)noWhether to group results by site ID or not
refunded_tran_id(bool)noWhether to group results by site ID or not
tran_ids(string)noComma separated list of requested tran_id
exclude(string)noComma separated list of excluded tran_id(s)
order_by(array)nocolumn => direction (ASC|DESC)


tran_idintPV2 Transaction ID
dateintTransaction Date (unix timestamp)
statusStringStatus (successful|failed|init)
descriptionStringTransaction Description
amountfloatTransaction Amount
transaction_typeStringTransaction Type ('S' for sale, 'A' for auth, 'R' for refund)
originintOrigin (Direct or System)
ppac_idintPV2 PP Account ID
ccdt_idintPV2 Credit Card ID
refunded_tran_idintRefunded transaction ID (if transaction is refund)
currencyintTransaction currency
payment_codeintPayment Code
order_idintPV2 Order ID
pp_idintPV2 PP ID
tracking_tagintTracking Tag
hashStringHash generated during order
user_idintPV2 user id
refundedintIs transaction refunded
refunded_amountfloatRefunded Amount
typestringType (i.e. signup)
processorStringPayment Processor short name (NB, RG ...)
processor_nameStringPayment Processor full name (NetBilling, Rocket Gate, ...)
detailsarrayTransaction Details (different for each payment processor)
status_messagestringStatus message
pay_statusstringPayment status (i.e. Approved by CS guys)
ccnumstringCredit Card Number
ccnamestringCredit Card Name
ccxpdatestringCredit Card Expired Date
cctypestringCredit Card Type (I.e. visa)
ccaddressstringCredit Card Address
cczipstringCredit Card ZIPCode
ccstatusstringCredit Card status
cccountrystringCredit Card Country
item_idintPV2 Item ID
tracking_itemintExternal Item ID
sub_idstringPV2 Subscription ID
tracking_userstringTracking User
Usage Example

$curl = new \Dinke\CurlHttpClient;

//setup payment url and timeout
$payment_url = '';
$timeout 	= 30;

$curl->setCredentials('some-token', 'some-pass');

$post_data = array(
	'cmd'	=> 'transaction.list',
	'data'	=> array('limit' => 1)

$response = $curl->sendPostData($payment_url, $post_data, null, $timeout);
if($response === false)
	//handle errors

//decode json to get array
$response = json_decode($response, true);

Excepted output after running this script should be:

array (size=1)
  'result' => 
    array (size=8)
      'code' => int 700
      'status' => string 'Action completed succesfully' (length=28)
      'command' => string 'transaction.list' (length=16)
      'result' => 
        array (size=1)
          0 => 
            array (size=61)
              'tran_id' => string '1983' (length=4)
              'ptnr_id' => string '55' (length=2)
              'ppac_id' => string '109' (length=3)
              'order_id' => string '548' (length=3)
              'ccdt_id' => string '396' (length=3)
              'transaction_type' => string 's' (length=1)
              'amount' => string '0.02' (length=4)
              'currency' => string 'USD' (length=3)
              'description' => string 'order #548 - uid #438 - RG Stepdown TEST product||13477' (length=55)
              'status' => string 'failed' (length=6)
              'refunded_tran_id' => string '0' (length=1)
              'origin' => string 'direct' (length=6)
              'ts' => string '1429203868' (length=10)
              'original_ts' => string '0' (length=1)
              'status_code' => string '1' (length=1)
              'payment_code' => string '608' (length=3)
              'pp_id' => string '6' (length=1)
              'tracking_tag' => string '542' (length=3)
              'hash' => string '142920386839553dccf767263e6150b2' (length=32)
              'user_id' => string '438' (length=3)
              'order_type' => string 'basic' (length=5)
              'first_name' => string 'Test' (length=4)
              'last_name' => string 'Test' (length=4)
              'street' => string '' (length=0)
              'city' => string '' (length=0)
              'state' => string '' (length=0)
              'zipcode' => string '75001' (length=5)
              'country' => string 'FR' (length=2)
              'site_id' => string '542' (length=3)
              'refunded' => int 0
              'refunded_amount' => int 0
              'type' => string 'signup' (length=6)
              'name' => string 'Rocket Gate - DatingBackend' (length=27)
              'is_active' => string '1' (length=1)
              'ccnum' => string '413415xxxxxx4135' (length=16)
              'ccname' => string 'Test Test' (length=9)
              'ccxpdate' => string '2017-01-01' (length=10)
              'cctype' => string 'visa' (length=4)
              'ccaddress' => string '' (length=0)
              'cczip' => string '75001' (length=5)
              'ccstatus' => string 'inactive' (length=8)
              'cccountry' => string 'FR' (length=2)
              'processor' => string 'RG' (length=2)
              'processor_name' => string 'RocketGate' (length=10)
              'date' => string '1429203868' (length=10)
              'details' => 
                array (size=40)
                  'tdrg_id' => string '1876' (length=4)
                  'guidNo' => string '100014CC3305CF5' (length=15)
                  'authNo' => string '' (length=0)
                  'merchantInvoiceID' => string 'DBT_30551147_548' (length=16)
                  'merchantAccount' => string '1' (length=1)
                  'approvedAmount' => string '0.02' (length=4)
                  'approvedCurrency' => string 'USD' (length=3)
                  'scrubResults' => string 'NEGDB=0,PROFILE=1,ACTIVITY=0' (length=28)
                  'merchantCustomerID' => string 'DBT_30551147' (length=12)
                  'avsResponse' => string '' (length=0)
                  'cvv2Code' => string '' (length=0)
                  'reasonCode' => string '105' (length=3)
                  'responseCode' => string '1' (length=1)
                  'cardCountry' => string 'US' (length=2)
                  'cardHash' => string '+2YSOHMjpgwbHlNHudLjgPFxFy/MWlBeu2Kxw953E3Y=' (length=44)
                  'merchantID' => string '1376948206' (length=10)
                  'bankResponseCode' => string '105' (length=3)
                  'ptnr_id' => string '55' (length=2)
                  'ppac_id' => string '109' (length=3)
                  'order_id' => string '548' (length=3)
                  'ccdt_id' => string '396' (length=3)
                  'transaction_type' => string 's' (length=1)
                  'amount' => string '0.02' (length=4)
                  'currency' => string 'USD' (length=3)
                  'description' => string 'NEGDB=0,PROFILE=1,ACTIVITY=0' (length=28)
                  'status' => string 'failed' (length=6)
                  'refunded_tran_id' => string '0' (length=1)
                  'origin' => string 'direct' (length=6)
                  'ts' => string '1429203868' (length=10)
                  'original_ts' => string '0' (length=1)
                  'status_code' => string '1' (length=1)
                  'payment_code' => string '608' (length=3)
                  'transactionID' => string '100014CC3305CF5' (length=15)
                  'invoiceID' => string 'DBT_30551147_548' (length=16)
                  'membershipID' => string 'DBT_30551147' (length=12)
                  'avsCode' => string '' (length=0)
                  'errorMessage' => string 'Declined Over Limit' (length=19)
                  'responseMessage' => string 'Declined Over Limit: The bank has declined the transaction because the account is over limit.' (length=93)
                  'uniqueAccountId' => string '1376948206-1' (length=12)
                  'is_retrieval' => string '0' (length=1)
              'status_message' => string 'Transaction declined due to insufficient funds. Please try another card.' (length=72)
              'pay_status' => string 'DECLINED' (length=8)
              'items' => 
                array (size=1)
                  0 => string '20547' (length=5)
              'item_id' => string '20547' (length=5)
              'tracking_item' => string '201' (length=3)
              'sub_id' => string '' (length=0)
              'tracking_user' => string '30551147' (length=8)
              'email' => string '' (length=24)
              'card_brand' => string 'VISA' (length=4)
              'card_type' => string 'CREDIT' (length=6)
              'card_category' => string '' (length=0)
              'bank_name' => string 'BANK OF NEW HAMPSHIRE, N.A.' (length=27)
              'bank_country_code' => string 'US' (length=2)
              'bank_site' => string 'HTTP://WWW.BANKNH.COM/' (length=22)
              'bank_phone' => string '603.527.6608 OR 603.527.6769' (length=28)
      'request' => 
        array (size=4)
          'cmd' => string 'transaction.list' (length=16)
          'data' => 
            array (size=1)
              'limit' => string '1' (length=1)
          'token' => string 'some-token' (length=26)
          'pass' => string 'some-pass' (length=32)
      'ts' => int 1429563631
      'origin_ip' => string '' (length=13)
      'errors' => null
Last Author
Last Edited
Mar 16 2021, 07:55

Event Timeline

boris moved this document from Unknown Object (Phriction Wiki Document).Mar 11 2015, 13:33
boris changed the visibility from "Public (No Login Required)" to "All Users".
boris changed the visibility from "All Users" to "Public (No Login Required)".
boris shifted this object from the Restricted Space space to the S6 Everyone space.Aug 8 2018, 08:27